Southern Pine's Title One page

Title One

Southern Pines Elementary School

A Title I School

What is Title I
“The basic principles of Title I state that schools with large concentrations of low-income students will receive supplemental funds to assist in meeting student’s educational goals. Low-income students are determined by the number of students enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program. For an entire school to qualify for Title I funds, a specific percent of students must enroll in the free and reduced lunch program.”

As required by The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, Title I Part A, information is available at our school to include but is not limited to the following:

* The School Improvement Plan
* Qualifications of your child's teacher and/or assistant
* Professional development for teachers and assistants to ensure
highly qualified personnel
* The school's written parent involvement policy
* Moore County Schools System Report Card
* School Report Card

Southern Pines Elementary School
Parent Involvement Policy

Southern Pines Elementary School intends to include parents in all aspects of the school’s programs.  The goal is a school-home partnership that will help all students in the school to succeed.

Parent Involvement in Developing the Policy
A committee consisting of parents, teachers, principal and members of the community will meet to jointly develop and agree upon a Parent Involvement Policy for our school.  This committee may be the School Improvement Team or a combination of that team and the school’s Parent Advisory Council.

Annual Meeting for Parents
At the annual meeting for parents, which will be held in September, parents will be given information about the Title I guidelines and, if necessary, how they differ from the previous program in our school.  They will be given copies of the current school Parent Involvement Policy, and will be offered a chance to become involved in revisiting that policy as needed.

School-Parent Compact
According to Title I regulations, SPE must share responsibility with parents for high student performance by developing a school-parent compact jointly with the parents of children participating in the program.  These compacts must outline how parents, staff, and students will share responsibility for promoting high student achievement.  Parents will receive the compact with a checklist of responsibilities that teachers, parents, and students will have for helping students achieve their goals.  

Build Capacity for Involvement
Moore County Schools will assist SPE in building capacity and in planning and implementing effective parent involvement through technical assistance, coordination and funding to:
Help parents interpret state and local assessments and monitor their student’s progress.
Provide curriculum training to help parents with their child’s achievement.
Coordinate, to the extent feasible, with other parent involvement agencies. 
Ensure, to the extent possible, that information sent home is in a language and format that parents can understand.
Encourage partnerships between schools and local businesses.
Provide staff development on parent involvement.

  • Southern Pines Elementary
  • 1015 S. Carlisle St, Southern Pines, NC 28387
  • 910-947-8077
  • 910-947-8088
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